The "Chandler"
Did you know that the definition for a chandler was:
chan•dler (ˈtʃænd lər, ˈtʃɑnd-)
1. a person who makes or sells items of tallow or wax, as candles or soap.
2. a dealer or trader in supplies, esp. of a specialized type: a ship chandler.
[1275–1325; Middle English chandeler candlestick, candle maker < Anglo-French, Old French chandelier]
1. a person who makes or sells items of tallow or wax, as candles or soap.
2. a dealer or trader in supplies, esp. of a specialized type: a ship chandler.
[1275–1325; Middle English chandeler candlestick, candle maker < Anglo-French, Old French chandelier]

That means that as a Chandler back in the day I would be a tradesman/woman that made soaps and candles! Hence the name Chandler's Corner. I originally started out by making candles and eventually progressed to making soaps. This is one of my earliest candles made.
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